Sunum dili Türkçedir / Intervention en turc
Lieu / Yer : Tarih Vakfı (Sarıdemir Mah. Ragıp Gümüşpala Cad. Değirmen sok. No: 10 Eminönü, Fatih)
Etkinlik herkese açık olacaktır. Katılım için kayıt gerekmemektedir / L'événement est ouvert à tous et il n'est pas nécessaire de s'inscrire pour y participer
Bu etkinlik IFEA ve Tarih Vakfı iş birliğiyle düzenlenmektedir / Cet événement est organisé en partenariat avec Tarih Vakfı
Özgür Türesay - Öğretim Üyesi, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes / maître de conférences, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes
Doğaötesi ve öteki dünyaya dair on sekizinci yüzyıl sonu ve on dokuzuncu yüzyıl ortalarında geliştirilmiş sözde bilimsel doktrinler olan manyetizmacılık ve ispiritizmacılık Osmanlı toplumuna 1850'lerde İstanbul ve İzmir üzerinden hızla girmiş, Levanten, Avrupalı ve yerli gayrimüslim cemaatlerin üyelerinin oluşturduğu kozmopolit çevrelerde yayılmış, bu doktrinlerle yine aynı çevrelerin içinde bulunan üst düzey bürokrasi mensubu birtakım Müslüman Osmanlılar da haşır neşir olmuştur. 1860'lardan 1910'lara manyetizmacılık ve ispiritizmacılık üzerine pek çok çeviri kitap ve makale yayımlanmış, 1908 sonrasında bu yayınlar hem doktorlar hem de ulema mensupları tarafından sertçe eleştirilmiştir. Psikolojinin özerk ve meşru bir bilimsel disiplin olarak henüz Avrupa'da bile inşa sürecinde olduğu bu yıllarda, hipnoz ve manyetizmacılık üzerine kaleme alınan metinlerin imparatorluk seçkinlerinin bir bölümü üzerinde dünyevileştirici bir etkisi olduğu söylenebilir.
Özgür Türesay’ın Osmanlı’da Ruh Çağırma isimli kitabı 2024’te Fol Kitap tarafından basılmıştır.
Le magnétisme et le spiritisme, doctrines pseudo-scientifiques du surnaturel et de l'autre monde développées à la fin du XVIIIe siècle et au milieu du XIXe siècle, ont rapidement pénétré la société ottomane dans les années 1850 via Istanbul et Izmir, se propageant dans les cercles cosmopolites composés de membres des communautés non musulmanes levantines, européennes et locales. Des années 1860 aux années 1910, de nombreux livres et articles traduits sur le magnétisme et le spiritisme ont été publiés. Après 1908, ces publications ont été sévèrement critiquées par des médecins et des membres de l'ouléma. Dans ces années-là, alors que la psychologie était encore en train de s'établir comme une discipline scientifique autonome et légitime, même en Europe, on peut dire que les textes sur l'hypnose et le magnétisme ont eu un effet laïcisant sur une partie de l'élite impériale.
Le livre d'Özgür Türesay intitulé Spirit Summoning in the Ottoman Empire a été publié par les éditions Fol Kitap en 2024.
Date de l'événement | 18/09/2024 6:30 pm |
Date de fin | 18/09/2024 8:00 pm |
Places | Illimitée |
In English
At the Orient-Institut Istanbul : Galip Dede Cad. No. 65. TR - 34421 Beyoğlu
Hybrid format : registration face to face : and online link (coming soon)
registration Zoom : 23 May :
24 May:
25 May:
All info via this link :
Programme available via this link
Booklet of abstracts available via this link
This event is supported by IFEA, Orient-Institut Istanbul, the British Institute at Ankara, MAPPA Lab, University of Pisa, IPLI foundation, French-Italian University, Paul-Valéry University at Montpellier, Tour University and the CITERES Lat Lab.
The interactions between humans and the rocky substrate have generated engraved landscapes across the globe, manifesting in diverse forms and spanning various epochs. The past human activity of digging rock outcrops produced different features, among which two macro-categories stand out:
– rock-cut spaces linked to human life and death;
– quarries for extracting materials for different purposes.
Although these two categories serve different functions, there are conceptual and physical links between the structures carved into the bedrock and quarry areas. Similarities can be identified in the techniques employed for rock carving and, consequently, in the networks for the transmission of knowledge and know-how. Quarries and rock-cut structures often coexist within the same rock formation, or overlap with one another, creating a complex landscape in which the interaction between human communities and the bedrock is enhanced.
Over the past decade, an international group of researchers has engaged in discussions regarding the methodological and theoretical complexities of investigating stone quarries and rock-cut sites spanning from Prehistory to the present day. The International ReseArch group on quArries and Rock-cut sites (IRAAR), started as a collaborative effort, originating in France, from two distinct research groups: one working on quarries and construction (Séminaires de recherche Carrières et construction, Laboratoire de Médiévistique Occidentale de Paris, Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Université Paris 06) and the other on rock-cut sites (Annual symposium organized in Saint-Martin-le Vieil, Aude).
This conference marks the second gathering of the IRAAR network. The first meeting, held online in 2021, focused on techniques and methods for analyzing carvings, extraction processes and traces of tools left on the rock surfaces. In this second event, the theme broadens to encompass a more extensive exploration of the landscapes and environments surrounding rock-cut structures and stone quarries. The specific discussion in this field of research begins with questions of an archaeological nature but expands to transdisciplinary encounters with connections and hybridisations with anthropology, sociology, geography, geology and ecology.
Date de l'événement | 23/05/2024 9:00 am |
Date de fin | 25/05/2024 12:30 pm |
Places | Illimitée |
Inscrit.e.s | 0 |
In English
Place: santalistanbul, Energy Museum Control Room
Please register to the conference via the link:
Istanbul Bilgi University is proudly hosting Loic Wacquant in collaboration with Galatasaray University and IFEA for an illuminating conference that will be accompanied by a book signing event for his recently published books by Istanbul Bilgi University Publishing.
Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of fields of cultural production and Reinhart Koselleck’s conceptual history, I recount the tale of the academic, journalistic and policy myth of the “underclass” in the American metropolis. I use this case study to suggest rules for the construction and evaluation of concepts in social science.
Loïc Wacquant is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley, and associate researcher at the Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique de la Sorbonne (CESSP-Paris).
Date de l'événement | 22/05/2024 2:00 pm |
Date de fin | 22/05/2024 4:30 pm |
Places | Illimitée |
Inscrit.e.s | 0 |
In English
Place: Galatasaray University, Aydın Doğan Amphitheatre
Loïc Wacquant (Université de Berkeley (Californie) / Centre européen de sociologie et de science politique de la Sorbonne
What does Pierre Bourdieu tell us about the city? What does the city tell us about Pierre Bourdieu? Wacquant elaborates a reading of Bourdieu as an urban theorist and suggests paths for its application to the Turkish city.
Aksu Akçaoglu (Ankara University) will be the discussant.
Date de l'événement | 21/05/2024 7:00 pm |
Places | Illimitée |
Inscrit.e.s | 0 |
In English and Turkish
In Hybrid
Place : Galatasaray University, Aydın Doğan Auditorium, Çırağan Cad. No:36 Ortaköy / Beşiktaş/İstanbul
Zoom Registration :
Registration in person :
The International Conference on Post-Disaster Reconstruction aims to shed light on post-earthquake reconstruction, focusing specifically on the city of Antakya/Hatay. This conference convenes academics in the field alongside international organizations like UNESCO, ICOMOS, UNDP, and the World Bank.
Through various case studies from different parts of the world, this scientific event will address the issue of reconstruction in a multidisciplinary framework, combining a technical dimension (seismology, geophysics, civil engineering, geology, earth sciences) and a social sciences perspective (architecture, sociology, anthropology, art history, archaeology, history, geography, economics, political science).This conference is organized by Gülçin Erdi (CNRS, IFEA) and Mehmet Tayfur (ENSAS, IFEA).
The conference, which will take place on May 20-21, 2024 at Galatasaray University (with a hybrid format) is supported by IFEA, CITERES - Université de Tours, Galatasaray University -Toplumsal Araştırmalar Merkezi (TAM), Hungarian Cultural Centre-Istanbul, Swedish research institute istanbul, Netherlands Institute in Turkey.
Date de l'événement | 20/05/2024 9:00 am |
Date de fin | 21/05/2024 6:00 pm |
Places | Illimitée |
Inscrit.e.s | 0 |
Date limite d'inscription | 20/05/2024 12:00 pm |
In English
Hybrid Conference
16-18 May 2024 Bilkent University and Erimtan Musem, Ankara.
For more info and for Zoom registration: and Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
The use of plaster reliefs (stuccoes) as architectural decoration is a well-known phenomenon in the Mediterranean. Recent decades have witnessed a renewed interest in stucco, but it has been mainly done within the boundaries of specific disciplines and chronological specialisations. While this allowed scholars to recognise the relationship of stucco with specific architectural traditions and technologies, it did not allow to spot long-term trends and cross-cultural interactions. This is due to the lack of coordination of scholarship on the study of stucco, which appears to develop at different speeds and aim at different goals depending on the field of study.
The conference connects experts in the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic periods up to ca 1200 CE to address common questions that can help to see long-term phenomena and cross-cultural exchanges in the Mediterranean.
Practical info:
Date de l'événement | 16/05/2024 8:30 am |
Date de fin | 18/05/2024 10:30 am |
Places | Illimitée |
Inscrit.e.s | 0 |
In English
Online NEW LINK:
Organised in partnership with IFPO, Efa and IFAO
Eric JEAN Hittit Üniversitesi, : From Neolithic to Medieval times: Yumuktepe and its relationship with the Mediterranean
Le Cycle de conférences - Overview of Current Research in the Eastern Mediterranean During the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC a lieu de novembre à juin, à raison d’une fois par mois. Il est réalisé en ligne, le mardi soir de 18 à 20 heures (heure turque)/17 à 19 heures (heure libanaise).
Cette série de séminaires a pour but d'offrir une vue d'ensemble de l'actualité de la recherche sur la mer Méditerranée orientale au cours du deuxième et du premier millénaire avant J.-C.
Chaque session accueille un.e chercheur.e qui dispose d'environ une heure pour présenter sa recherche, en langue anglaise. Une séance de questions-réponses avec le public est prévu à l’issu de la communication.
Date de l'événement | 07/05/2024 6:00 pm |
Places | Illimitée |
Inscrit.e.s | 0 |
En Anglais / In English
En hybride / Hybrid format
Inscription en présentiel / registration face to face:
Inscription en distanciel / Online registration :
La conférence internationale "Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migration : Norms, Discourses, and Control Mechanisms" vise à explorer l'impact de la surveillance sur la construction des sexualités dans les processus migratoires. Organisé par Öykü Aytaçoğlu (Université Paris 8), Tachfine Baida (Sciences Po Bordeaux), et Marien Gouyon (Université Aix-Marseille), cet événement s'inscrit dans le cadre des activités de l'axe "Migrations & Mobilités" (aMiMo) du pôle d'études contemporaines de l'IFEA. La conférence qui aura lieu le 26 avril 2024 à l'IFEA est généreusement soutenue par l'IFEA, le Centre de Recherches Sociologiques et Politiques de Paris (CRESPPA), l'Institut d'études de l'Islam et des sociétés du monde musulman (IISMM), et l'Institut Suédois de recherche à Istanbul (SRII).
The international conference "Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migration: Norms, Discourses, and Control Mechanisms" seeks to delve into the impact of surveillance on the construction of sexualities throughout migration processes. Organized by Öykü Aytaçoğlu (Université Paris 8), Tachfine Baida (Sciences Po Bordeaux), and Marien Gouyon (Université Aix-Marseille), this event is hosted as part of the activities of the “Migrations & Mobilities axis” (aMiMo) within IFEA's Contemporary Studies Pole. Set to take place on April 26, 2024, the conference will convene at IFEA. It is generously supported by IFEA, the Center for Sociological and Political Research in Paris (CRESPPA), the Institute for the Study of Islam & Societies of the Muslim World (IISMM), and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul (SRII).
Sophia Zisakou (Lund University, Sweden): Affective (homo)Normativity in Queer Asylum Law
Muhammet Ali Keskin (Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Türkiye): The Other Dimension of Surveillance: The Struggle of LGBTI+ Migrants and Refugees in Removal Centres Across Turkey
Gabriel/le du Plessis (University of Warwick, UK): Waiting For My Future: Queer and Trans Encampment in Kenya’s Kakuma Refugee Camp
Marie Lunau (Roskilde University, Denmark) & Rieke Schröder (Aalborg University, Denmark): Navigating Surveillance in Queer Asylum: Narratives of Resistance in Germany and Denmark
Syed Taha Kaleem (Brandeis University, USA): Subverting Surveillance: Cruising as Resistance and Self-Expression in the Lives of Queer Migrants in Qatar
Zeynep Pınar Erdem & David Onen Ongwech (University of Bremen, Germany): Recognizing the Lived Realities and Political Agency of Forced Migrants with Diverse Sexual Orientations, Gender Identities and Expressions and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC) in Uganda, Lebanon and Türkiye
John Marnell (University of Witwatersrand, South Africa): “I sucked a lot of dicks to get this place!”. Home-making and care practices among LGBTQ refugees in South Africa
Rabia Aslı Koruyucu (University of Göttingen, Germany): Intimate Re-Materialization of Türkiyeli Trans Subjectivities in Germany
Nilofar Shidmehr (Simon Fraser University & University of British Columbia, Canada): Expressions of Freedom in Poetic Narratives of Iranian Queer Migrations
Mert Koçak (University of Cologne, Germany): Against Hierarchies of Deservingness: Queering Transnational (Im)Mobilities
Massinissa Garaoun (INALCO & EPHA & Languages and Cultures of Africa, France) & Malek Cheikh (AssiégéEs Magazine, France): Lūbya mṛa wəlla Tṛãnṣiya, About the Identity Shifts Induced and/or Forced by the Migrations of Gender Minorities from the South to the West
B Camminga (Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICI), Germany & African Centre for Migration and Society, Wits University, South Africa) & John Marnell (Wits University, South Africa) & Nicola Mai (University of Leicester, UK): Reframing Queer and Trans Mobilities from the Global South
Date de l'événement | 26/04/2024 8:30 am |
Date de fin | 26/04/2024 7:00 pm |
Places | 60 |
Inscrit.e.s | 0 |
Places disponibles | 60 |
Date limite d'inscription | 24/04/2024 1:00 pm |
In English
In Hybride
The IFEA's Observatory of Turkish Politics (OVIPOT) is pleased to invite you to the conference: "A New Political Landscape? Understanding Turkey's 2024 Local Elections", with Berk Esen (Associate Professor, Sabancı University) & Cuma Çiçek (Associate Researcher, IFEA).
The outcomes of the municipal elections held on March 31st have taken all observers of Turkish politics by surprise. This conference intends to delve into the insights gained from this significant electoral upheaval, marked by the AKP experiencing a nationwide loss in the majority of votes for the first time, and the CHP securing its most substantial victory since 1977.
How should we interpret these results, especially in light of the ruling party's significant triumph in the 2023 elections? Do these outcomes signify a shift in Turkey's electoral geography? What are the implications for the various political parties and coalitions?
This hybrid conference will be held in English at IFEA, April 18th, 2024, at 18.00.
Click here to attend in person at IFEA:
Click here to attend to the conference online:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Date de l'événement | 18/04/2024 6:00 pm |
Places | Illimitée |
Date limite d'inscription | 17/04/2024 2:00 pm |
Intervention réservée aux étudiants de GSÜ et chercheurs de l'IFEA
Lieu: Université Galatasaray (salle I217)
Benoit Giry, sociologue, IEP Rennes, le capitalisme du désastre.
La conférence se tiendra au sein du cours de démographie de Didem Daniş (département de sociologie).
Date de l'événement | 19/03/2024 10:00 am |
Date de fin | 19/03/2024 12:00 pm |
Places | Illimitée |