In English
In Hybrid
Registration in person (before 28 January at 2:00pm)
Elif Dığıroğlu (PhD Researcher at EHESS, CETOBaC & Contract Doctoral Researcher at CNRS)
Emperor Wilhelm II of Germany, who visited Jerusalem in 1898, sent telegrams directly to Sultan Abdulhamid II. These telegrams were translated into Ottoman Turkish and preserved as a booklet in the Yildiz Palace. In this session, we will discuss and evaluate how these telegrams, originally written in French, were translated into Ottoman Turkish, considering their historical context and significance.
Sunum dili Türkçedir
Organizasyon: Şeyma Afacan (Kırklareli Üniversitesi / IFEA)
Nagehan Tokdoğan (Münster Üniversitesi Sosyoloji Enstitüsü'nde Doktora Sonrası Araştırmacı) - Yeni Osmanlıcılık: Hınç, Nostalji, Narsisizm
Bu sunum, Türkiye’de Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi’nin (AKP) 20 yılı aşkın süredir yürüttüğü duygu siyasetini Yeni Osmanlıcı milli kimlik anlatısı ekseninde inceliyor. Duygu siyasetinin, hem yeni bir milli ruh hali yaratmak, hem de Erdoğan’ın iktidarını sürdürmek için nasıl işlediğine odaklanıyor. Milli anlatılar, sembolik siyaset ve duygu siyaseti arasındaki etkileşimleri analiz ediyor ve bu etkileşimlerin AKP ve Erdoğan’ın yirmi yılı aşkın süredir aldığı halk desteğinin önemli sacayaklarından biri olduğunu iddia ediyor.
En français
En hybride
Inscription en présentiel (date limite d'inscription: 17/02 à 14h)
Inscription en ligne
Charles Ganier (ANAMED) - Une publication iranienne en persan et turc afshar : le journal Faryâd d'Ourmia (1907)
Premier journal en persan de la ville d'Ourmia [Azerbaïdjan de l'ouest, Iran], le journal Faryâd [La Clameur] est aussi, par des pages dédiées, son premier journal en langue turque, du dialecte local dit "Turc Afshar", du nom de la principale tribu turque chiite de la région. Publié au cours de l'année 1907 - entre février et novembre, avant de fermer du fait de la pression de religieux opposés à ce journal - dans l'effervescence des premières victoires de la Révolution Constitutionnelle d'Iran [1905-1911] qui voit, dans les principales villes de province, des "anjomans" [conseils] se constituer pour prendre en main les affaires politiques locales, la lecture des exemplaires du journal Faryâd qui nous sont parvenus nous permet de mieux comprendre la singularité du mouvement constitutionnel dans les villes d'Azerbaïdjan, a fortiori dans ses périphéries. Dans le cas spécifique d'Ourmia, un journal bilingue comme celui-ci permet, pareillement, de voir les particularités de la politisation des Afshars de la région au cours de la révolution, et leur relation avec les courants politiques contestataires de la province iranienne d'Azerbaïdjan, et notamment de Tabriz.
In English
Hybride Event
Registration in person (before 25 February at 2:00pm)
Malak Labib (Associate researcher at the French Institute of Oriental Archaeology in Cairo)
In the decade preceding the British occupation (1882), Egypt was placed under international financial control, in the context of the debt crisis. European emissaries, diplomats and bankers conducted surveys with the aim of investigating the country’s economic resources. This study takes these surveys as a starting point for a broader exploration of the history of statistics and quantification in Egypt in the era of the first financial globalization. Combining sources from Egyptian, British and French archives, the book shows how the evaluation of public resources became a contested terrain where political struggles intersected with technical and scientific debates about measurement procedures. The study offers a political history of public debt in Egypt and situates the Egyptian case within the global history of quantification.