Calendriers des événements

lundi. 18 décembre, 2023 - dimanche. 24 décembre, 2023
Semaine 51
mardi. 19 décembre, 2023
10:30 am

Séminaire - Sociologie politique de la Turquie contemporaine : approches spatiales

Zoom meeting

Interventions en français et en anglais

En ligne

Séminaire organisé dans le cadre du séminaire conjoint Cetobac (EHESS) - IFEA "Sociologie politique de la Turquie contemporaine: approches spatiales" organisé par l'OVIPOT du pôle contemporain.

Organisateurs: Yohanan Benhaïm (IFEA), Claire Visier (IFEA), Lucie Drechselova (EHESS), Emmanuel Szurek (EHESS), Élise Massicard (Sciences Po-CERI).

- 5 décembre : Ayfer Genç Yılmaz (Istanbul Ticaret Üniversitesi) - Police-military relations in Turkey: a historical-sociological perspective

- 19 décembre : David Billeau (INALCO / IFEA) - Le champ de mine antipersonnel, un espace frontiérisé. L'exemple des no go areas à la frontière turco-syrienne.
                           Johanna Ollier (CERAP / Université Grenoble Alpes) - Entre sécurité nationale et sécurité économique : le cas des touristes iraniens dans les provinces bordant la partie nord de la frontière turco-iranienne


Ces séances auront lieu à Paris et sur zoom en hybride.
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6:00 pm

Séminaire d'histoire - 1923 from the margin


Intervention en anglais

En hybride

Inscription en ligne :

Pour s'inscrire en présentiel, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton bleu "s'inscrire" en bas de page


Vincent Benedetto (Université de Rouen, IFEA)

I would like to present the spying of Russian refugees in Istanbul during the moment of European occupation of the city between 1918 and 1923. Whereas refugees could be understood as a margin, the special investigation they’re subject to by military troops makes them a central element of the occupied Istanbul. European forces in charge of the refugees spied a lot of individuals in order to prevent disorder, and also to identify potential Bolshevik agents who were effectively in the city. The military archives contain many documents on these Russian refugees.

mercredi. 20 décembre, 2023
6:00 pm

Cycle de conférences - Overview of Current Research in the Eastern Mediterranean During the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC

Zoom meeting

In English,


Organised in partnership with IFPO, Efa and IFAO

Zoom link :

Georges Mouamar - IFPO

Title: 90 years later: research underway in Hama Western Syria


Dr. Georges Mouamar is a researcher at the French Institute for the Near East (Ifpo) offices in Erbil, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History. He achieved hid PhD in 2016 at University of Lyon 2, with a thesis focused on the Early Bronze IV ceramic production in Western Syria. He was an assistant lecturer at the Department of archaeology of the University of Damascus between 2006 and 2007. He co-directed (between 2002 and 2011) the excavations of several sites of great importance for the knowledge of the Levant during the 3rd millennium BC. (Tell Shʻaīrat, Tell Al-Ṣūr et Tell Sianu), and recently director of the French Mission in Erbil - Kurdistan, Iraq. He also participated in several international archaeological missions in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Tunisia and Sultanate of Oman. His research interests focus on the Bronze Age in the Near East and the emergence of Complex societies. He has authored numerous published works, among which a research monograph. He has attended numerous national and international congresses on Near Eastern Archaeology, and invited lectures.

6:00 pm

Séminaire - Les usages contemporains du passé - 4ème séance


Intervention en turc

En présentiel


Organisatrices: Elif Can (IFEA- Centre Max Weber), Aurélie Stern (IFEA-Cetobac-GSÜ), Ece Nirun (IFEA- Cetobac), Solène Poyraz (IFEA- Cetobac)


Oktay Özel (Professeur émerite de l'université de Bilkent) - Türkiye’de tarih-siyaset ilişkisi, kamusal alanda tarihin kullanımı ve tarih tartışmaları bağlamında Tarih Vakfı'nın yeri ve rolü üzerine bir değerlendirme (Evaluation de la place et du rôle de la Fondation pour l'histoire -Tarih Vakfı- dans le contexte des relations entre l'histoire et la politique, de l'utilisation de l'histoire dans la sphère publique et des débats historiques en Turquie).


Nurşen Gürboğa (co-présidente de la fondation tarih Vakfı - Université de Marmara) - Tarih Vakfı ve Demokratik Toplum İnşasında Tarih Bilincinin Rolü (La fondation pour l'histoire - Tarih Vakfı -  et le rôle de la sensibilisation à l'histoire dans la construction d'une société démocratique)


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