Cycle de conferences: Four seasons seminar series - Becoming and un-becoming Roman

Cycle de conferences:  Four seasons seminar series - Becoming and un-becoming Roman

Interventions en anglais

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Organisé en partenariat avec l'université de Bilkent, l'université Haccettepe et l'université Koç.

Table ronde : Towards West

Albena Milanova (Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”): “Become and un-became Roman in the province of Scythia: a case study from the Low Danubian site of Zaldapa”

Annick Peters-Custot (université de Nantes): “To be or not to be a Roman between the New Rome and the Ancient one? Romaness in Byzantine Southern Italy (10th-11th c.)”

James Morton (The Chinese University of Hong Kong): “They Do It Like This in Romania’: Byzantine Canon Law in Catholic Southern Italy (13th–14th Centuries)”

Mihailo Popovic (Austrian Academy of Sciences): “Muslim Rulers and Christian Princesses in the 14th and 15th Centuries: Legal Framework, Everyday Life and Fields of Activity”



Date de l'événement 16/02/2024 12:30 pm
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