Aurélie Stern, Hamit Bozarslan ve Füsun Üstel danışmanlığında hazırlanan "Bir Türk Birliği Rüyası? Birleşik Türkiye Türklüğünün Destekleyicileri ve Azerbaycan İlişkileri (1990-2020)" başlıklı siyasi çalışmalar alanında doktora tezini sunacak. Adres: EHESS, 54 boulevard Raspail Paris 15 Kasım 2021 saat 9'da

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the people of the Republic of Turkey were, for the first time after seventy years of Soviet rule, able to re-establish connections with other Turkic republics such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The world discovered the term ‘Turkish world’, which, in the words of former Turkish President Süleyman Demirel, extends ‘from the Adriatic to the Great Wall of China.’ It was a period of increased activity for (pan)Turkist nationalists who dreamed of founding a Turkic union on the basis of cultural, educational, and economic elements. This thesis proposes to provide a history of the promoters of the idea of a united Turkishness in Turkey as well as in Azerbaijan between 1990 and 2020, through testimonies of ideologists and Turkist activists, also making use of opinion polls. We will then examine the evolution of the cooperation between various Turkish-speaking states and the place of the idea of a common Turkishness within the framework of these relations under the light of the activity reports of certain organizations of cooperation. Within this framework, the establishment of certain projects such as the creation of a common alphabet, a literary language and a history manual common to the Turkish world were laid, but these projects only enjoyed a partial success. In addition to these, a one-sided aspect of the relations among the Turkic republics is the use of media production as a tool for Turkey’s influence on the Turkic world.