TARİH SEMİNERİ - Republic from the Margin (1920s-1930s)

TARİH SEMİNERİ - Republic from the Margin (1920s-1930s)

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Online kayıt formu : https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIpdO2hrzkoHdZ1c4H2TtYBOdcHa7o8t315 

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Philippe Bourmaud (IFEA), Alexis Wick (American University of Beirut) , Charles Ganier (Université Paris Cité, IFEA) ve Seda Altuğ (The Ataturk Institute for Modern Turkish History) tarafından düzenlenecektir.

Bu seminer, 1922-1923 yıllarında Türkiye ve çevresinde kurulan ulus-devlet düzenini, bir araya gelmekte en çok zorlanan birey ve gruplar üzerinden ve bunların devletin “uç”larına itilme, azınlık haline getirilme, tahakküm altına alınma, madun edilme, ötekileştirilme, ırkçılığa maruz bırakılma, sınırlara ve çeperlere hapsedilme süreçleri üzerinden üzerinden sorguluyor.


Nazan Maksudyan (Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin) - Racial Anthropology in Turkey and Transnational Entanglements in the Making of Scientific Knowledge

My talk intends to situate the trajectory of academic life of Seniha Tunakan (1908-2000) within the development of anthropology as a scientific discipline in Turkey and its transnational connections to Europe during the interwar period and up until the second half of the twentieth century. From a global history of science perspective, the research engages with the scholarship developed in the past two decades on the issues of nationalist politics, international scientific networks, and transnational race discourse. Within this broad literature, there has been significant interest in race science, physical anthropology, genetics, and the international role of the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institut für Anthropologie, menschliche Erblehre und Eugenik (KWI-A for anthropology, human heredity and eugenics). Seniha Tunakan’s academic trajectory from Turkish Institute of Anthropology in Istanbul, to KWI-A in Berlin, to DTCF in Ankara can be read as a microhistory of the development of anthropology as a scientific discipline in Turkey, reflecting the obsession of the Turkish state and its office-holding physical anthropologists with racial classification. The broader significance and contribution of the research to the history of race science and anthropology is that it is a case study on the long-term global influence of the KWI-A in diffusing the main tenets of German race science, physical anthropology, and genetics.



Etkinliğinin özellikleri

Etkinliğin Tarihi 03/04/2024 6:00 pm
Etkinliğin Bitiş Tarihi 03/04/2024 8:00 pm
Kapasite 60
Yer IFEA Fransız Anadolu Araştırmaları Enstitüsü

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