MART 2022

MART 2022



‍MART 2022


01/03/2022 7:00 pm

Intervention en Français

Ingrid THOBOIS sera discutante

Organisé en partenariat avec l'Institut Français d'Istanbul

L’Institut français de Turquie – Antenne d’Istanbul et l’Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes vous invitent à la conférence-débat « De l’Afghanistan d’André Malraux à l’Orient du diplomate » avec la participation de Régis Koetschet, Ambassadeur, essayiste et Ingrid Thobois, écrivaine. Ils aborderont les thèmes des questions internationales et enquête littéraire, « influence » et mémoire, usage de la force et force de l’écriture.



Atelier de lecture : "Théorie des mouvements sociaux"

18/03/2022 10:30 am

Deuxième séance

Fermé au public

À partir de leurs recherches personnelles, les doctorant·e·s de l’IFEA organisent un atelier de lecture visant à discuter les travaux théoriques sur les mouvements sociaux, dans une approche pluridisciplinaire. Les perspectives élargissant la définition du Politique seront particulièrement étudiées, afin de prendre davantage en compte les pratiques de résistances quotidiennes, les formes de participation politique alternatives et la formation d'espaces d'émancipation.

Atelier doctoral

18/03/2022 4:00 pm

Atelier doctoral autour du dernier ouvrage de Jean-Pierre Filiu, "Le Milieu des mondes"

Possibilité d'y assister sur demande pour les étudiants en doctorat:

Monsieur Jean-Pierre Filiu animera une séance de l'atelier doctoral autour de son dernier ouvrage "Le Milieu des mondes", qui pose, entre autres, la question de la réappropriation du temps long par les historiens du contemporain.


The third international symposium of the society for near eastern landscape archeology

02/03/2022 12:00 am

Evénement fermé au public

Organisé en partenariat avec l'université d'Istanbul

The aim of holding the international SNELA 2022 conference in Istanbul is to bring together archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, philologists, and other professional researchers that are interested in landscape and resource use engaged with agency-based approaches in the Near East.

SNELA 2022 theme is: ‘Archaeology and Anthropology of Resource Use in the Near East’.
This is a scientific meeting where researchers will be able to present their research:

       1. in oral sessions,
       2. during poster sessions,
       3. publish their material in a special issue of an edited volume

Geographic coverage:

The geographic coverage of SNELA 2022 will include all the Near East (Turkey in the west to Iran in the east) with a special concentration on Anatolia and the Levant. We invite participants to submit abstracts that use interdisciplinary approaches to address archaeological and anthropological theories. Research examining social, economic, technological, political, and religious aspects of resource use is welcome.

Temporal and thematic coverage:

SNELA 2022 ‘Archaeology and Anthropology of Resource Use in the Near East’ is dedicated to resource use at the regional level with special emphasis on anthropological perspectives. While there is not a strict temporal frame, research focusing from the prehistoric to medieval periods will be given priority. The following five themes form the core of 2022 meetings:

     • Social approaches to the archaeology and anthropology of resource use
     • Patterns of resource use, long-distance trade
     • Ancient technologies and technology transfer
     • Political economy and patterns of social complexity through resource use (discussions related to Anatolia are especially welcome)
     • Human impacts on ancient environments as a result of resource use.
The primary resources for discussions are classified into seven subgroups. Researchers working on these materials are welcome to submit abstracts to oral or poster sessions.

    1. Metals: mining and metallurgy, economic geology of ores
    2. Stones: precious and semi-precious stones
    3. Minerals: salt, natron, clay, and tempering materials
    4. Water: ancient hydrological practices, water related reserves e.g. food and textile industry, shells
    5. Fuel: forestry, wood, dung
    6. Organic materials: bone, bitumen
    7. Crop production


Workshop - Empire of Babel: Ottoman Literary Modernities and their Afterlives, 1850-1950

04/03/2022 9:45 am

Evénement fermé au public

This workshop is part of the research network Arabicities of Istanbul, co-organized by Seda Altuğ (Boğaziçi University), Philippe Bourmaud (LARHA, Lyon), Dahlia Gubara (Koç University-IFÉA), Olof Heilo (Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul), Franck Mermier (CNRS), Alexis Wick (Koç University-IFÉA)  



Espaces créés et choix d’emplacement des réfugiés syriens à Izmir

31/03/2022 6:00 pm

Séminaire Enjeux contemporains des migrations 
Organisé conjointement par GAR et l'axe aMiMo de l'IFEA

Intervention en turc

Dr. Feriha Nazda GÜNGÖRDÜ


Mart 2022

10/03 - 14h-17h - « Osmanlılar adı nereden geliyor? »  Müzeler, Turizm ve Osmanlıların üzerinde anıtlı konuşmalar

Osmanlı geçmişinin televizyon dizilerinde sahnelenmesi
Paul-Albert Février Salonu
Koordinatör: Juliette Dumas

Vanessa GUENO (IREMAM) : Les musalsalât syriennes et l’Empire ottoman : histoire d'un électrocardiogramme politique (Suriye musalsalatı ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu: Siyasi bir elektrokardiyogramın öyküsü)

Ludovica TUA (LERASS et IREMAM) : Un héros seul contre tous. La figure du sultan Abdülhamid II et le concept d'altérité dans la série turque Payitaht : Abdülhamid (Herkese karşı tek kahraman. Payitaht: Abdülhamid dizisinde Sultan II. Abdülhamid figürü ve ötekilik kavramı)


* Tüm seminer oturumları hibrit formatta sunulacaktır. Online semineri takip etmek için:
* Oturumlar, Carnet Hypothese üzerinde düzenli olarak kaydedilir ve yayınlanır: (önceki yılın oturumlarının kayıtlarına buradan erişilebilir).

17/03 - “Türkiye'nin stratejik hedefleri” konferansı, FMES-IRSEM, Toulon (Fransa)

 Yohanan Benhaim (IFEA, Istanbul), “La politique étrangère de la Turquie en Irak” (Türkiye'nin Irak'taki dış politikası) adlı sunum ile katılacaktır.

30/03 - Çalıştay, ULB, Brüksel

Selin Altunsoy (IFEA) « Langue, folklore et identité en Turquie et dans le monde kurde : Regards croisés...

‍podcastLAR & vıdEoLAR

Lloyd Ridgeon, Muslim Relations with Christians in 13th century Anatolia, IFEA 16 Şubat 2022

Mesut Uyar, Askeri Tarih ve Türkiye'de Askeri Tarihçilik, IFEA 3 Şubat 2022







A. Fautras ve J. Gaillet, Excursion urbaine du 17/02/2022 : le bassin versant de Ayamama, Observatoire Urbain d'Istanbul, 25 Şubat 2022

F. Somer, Les routes migratoires des savoirs et des techniques au Moyen-Orient : études pluridisciplinaires. Le pont de la Ǧazirat ibn ʿOmar, Les clés du Moyen-Orient, 23 Şubat 2022

Y. Binzet, "Why do Turks abroad vote? An insight into Turkish communities in France," Observatoire de la vie politique turque, 14 Şubat 2022

B. Balcı, Popular protests in Kazakhstan: a new victory for Putin's political agenda?, Sciences Po CERI 3 Şubat 2022

‍ B. Balcı, « En intervenant au Kazakhstan, la Russie veut faire reconnaître sa suprématie en Asie centrale et au-delà », Le Monde 2 Şubat 2022

B. Balcı (part.), Entre la Russie et l’Ukraine, l’exercice d’équilibrisme de la Turquie, Le Monde 1 Şubat 2022



Fransız Anadolu Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, Fransa’da bir yüksek öğrenim kurumuna kayıtlı master, doktora öğrencileri veya doktora sonrası araştırmacılarına kısa süreli burs imkanı sunmaktadır. Finanse edilmeyen kişilerin başvurularına öncelik verilecektir.

Kısa süreli burslar İstanbul dışındaki Türk üniversitelerinde doktora öğrencilerinin başvurusuna da açıktır.   

Kısa süreli burs adaylarının İstanbul veya Türkiye’de konaklama...
