Mobilité Turquie-France

La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, en partenariat avec l'FEA, propose des aides à la mobilité pour des séjours en France de 2 à 3 mois aux chercheur.e.s postdoctorant.e.s turc.que.s ayant soutenu leur thèse en SHS à partir de 2016.


La bibliothèque et l'atelier de cartographie sont ouvert sur rendez-vous

Current Issues on Migration seminar series aims to bring together social scientists and members of the civil society to present and discuss each month an issue related to international migration and mobilities in Turkey. This year, we will focus on crucial aspects of refugees circulation and installation in Turkey, starting with Education (from October to December), and Work (from January to March).
The Current Issues on Migration seminar series is held in collaboration with the Migration Studies Association (Göç Araştırmacıları Platformu - GAR).

Maissam Nimer - Refugee integration into the education system 26/10/2017