
La bibliothèque et l'atelier de cartographie sont ouvert sur rendez-vous

I.    Pluralité des institutions judiciaires et leur interaction

Zouhair Ghazzal (Professeur, Loyola University, Chicago):
The parallel adjudication of the “Egyptian” majlis in Aleppo in 1838”

Charles Wilkins (Assistant Professor, Wake Forest University)
“Provincial Governors as Judicial Authorities: The Assessment and Collection of Legal Fines in Seventeenth-Century Aleppo”.

İşık Tamdoğan (chercheur CNRS/IFEA, Istanbul)
« The relationship between the Wednesday Assembly and the qadis of Istanbul in the 18th century».
Nil Tekgül (Doctorante, Bilkent Üniversitesi)
« Osmanlı Klasik uygulamasında eyalet divanının niteliği ve fonksiyonu üzerine değerlendirmeler »
Panagiotis Krokidas (Doctorant-archiviste, Crète, Grèce)
“Love and punishment in the years of Mehmet Ali, 1830-1834”.

James Edward Baldwin (Post doctorant, Queen Mary University, Londres)
”Mazalim in Ottoman Cairo: the role of the Sultan and the provincial governor in administering justice”

II.    Les tribunaux des cadis au jour le jour

Timothy J. Fitzgerald (Maître de conference, James Madison University)
“The Qadi is Not Alone: The Diffusion of Justice in Early Ottoman Aleppo”
Richard Wittmann (Docteur, chercheur au Deutsches Orient-Institut Istanbul)
“Seeking for justice in front of the court of Hasköy in the 17th century”
Isabelle Grangaud (chercheur CNRS, IREMAM, France)
« La justice et ses traces à Constantine. Registres et activités judiciaires dans une ville du Maghreb ottoman »
Alp Yücel Kaya (Maître de conférences, Istanbul Teknik Üniversitesi)
“Administering Property Disputes: Institutionalization of Justice of Peace in the Ottoman Empire (1839-1908)”
Suraiya Faroqhi (Professeur, Université de Bilgi)
"Disputes about resm-i-tapu in the mid-18th century Gebze region"

III.    Quand différents corps de droit (chéria, kanun et coutume) et systèmes juridiques se croisent

Engin Akarlı (İstanbul Şehir Üniversitesi)
"Custom as Signifier of Consensus, Commonality and Right"
Martha Mundy (Professeur, London School of Economics, Londres)
“In what terms justice? Ethics, fiqh and political authority”
Ahmet Akgündüz (Professeur, University of Amsterdam, Pays-Bas)
“The Legal Structure of Ottoman Judicial System before Tanzimat”
Yavuz Aykan (doctorant EHESS/Université de Munich)
“On the authority of the qadi’s judgement: the mufti of Amid and the genealogies of Ottoman Hanafism”
Fatma Karagöz (ATER, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi-Istanbul)
“What was Kânûnnâme-i Cedîd?”
Zülal Muslu (Doctorante, Université Paris-Nanterre)
“Entre intérêts étatiques et intérêts des particuliers, le drogman devant les tribunaux de commerce mixtes ottomanes au XIXème siècle”
Eugenia Kermeli (Assistant Professor, Ankara- Bilkent Universitesi)
“The pursue of justice in ecclesiastical and communal courts of Ottoman Christians”

Faika Öz Çelik (Doctorante, McGill University, Montréal-Canada)
 “Gendering the Margins: Gypsy Women Seeking Justice in Istanbul (1540-1600)”.

M. Hadi Hosainy (Doctorant, The University of Texas at Austin, Etats-Unis)
Ottoman Legal Flexibility and Women’s Property Rights”

Juliette Dumas (Doctorante, EHESS, Paris/IFEA, Istanbul)
"Des femmes au-dessus des lois ? Le cas des Sultanes"